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» Training Program » General Fitness » Intermediate Gym-based cardio and strength training
 Intermediate Gym-based cardio and strength training

Day 043 - Penultimatum
WU 5 MINUTES. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: squats (halfway up, all the way down, all the way up, all the way down), reverse biceps curls (3 count raise/lower), Swiss ball abs; SERIES 2: step-ups, preacher biceps curls (hammer, one arm at a time,) seated abs; SERIES 3: bent-arm lateral raises (2 count hold,) military press (one arm at a time,) Swiss ball lateral abs. Stretch.

Day 044 - Cardio olla podrida
WU 5 minutes. Jumprope: 15 min. Rower: 30 min. Gauntlet: 15 min. CD 5 min & stretch

Day 045 - Yoga, Yoga everywhere
Yoga Class

Day 046 - Mixin' it up
WU 5 min. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: triceps pressdowns ( 2 count hold,) back extensions (3 count raise/lower,) push-ups; SERIES 2: fly machine (3 count hold,) triceps kickbacks (2 count hold,) Swiss ball abs; SERIES 3: pull-ups, bench press (halfway up, down, all the way up, down,) obliques abs. Stretch.

Day 047 - Short Circuits
WU 5 min. Treadmill: 20 min. Elliptical Trainer: 20 min. Bike: 20 min. CD 5 min. & Stretch

Day 048 - Day off

Day 049 - Training time
Train for at least 1 hour at your sport of choice.

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