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» Training Program » General Fitness » Intermediate Gym-based cardio and strength training
 Intermediate Gym-based cardio and strength training

Day 050 - The Last Hurrah
WU 5 min. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: Swiss ball lower cable crossovers (2 count hold,) incline bench press (3 count raise/lower,) lateral Swiss ball abs; SERIES 2: lat pulldowns (3 count hold,) dead lifts (1 count hold at bottom,) Roman chair abs; SERIES 3: leg press machine (3 count raise/lower,) lunges, push-ups. Stretch.

Day 051 - Spin fest
Spin class/Cardio Machine or WU 5 min: BIKE 10 min climb, 5 min sprint; 15 min: alternate climbs/sprints, 1 min each; 15 min climb, 5 min sprint; 10 min: alternate climbs/sprints (30 seconds each); 10 min climb, 5 min sprint; CD 5 min & stretch.

Day 052 - Yogacity
Yoga Class

Day 053 - End of the line for weights
WU 5 Min. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: Dips, Swiss ball triceps extensions (2 count hold,) Swiss ball abs; SERIES 2: incline biceps curls, hammer biceps concentration curls (against a wall,) push-ups; SERIES 3: straight arm lateral raises (2 count hold,) upright rows (2 count hold,) obliques abs. Stretch.

Day 054 - People's Choice
WU 5 min. 80 min Cardio Machine. 5 min CD & stretch.

Day 055 - Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Day 056 - Happy Endings
Train for an hour and a half at your sport of choice.

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