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» Training Program » General Fitness » Sexercise Training for Men
 Sexercise Training for Men

Day 008 - Baby got back
WU 5 min. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: squats (2 count hold,) split squats, ab crunches; SERIES 2: adductor press (2 count hold,) abductor press (2 count hold,) oblique crunches on Swiss ball. Stretch 5 min.

Day 009 - Get joggy with it.
WU 5 min. Treadmill: 30-40 min. w/ var. CD 5 min. & stretch 5 min.

Day 010 - Tip #3: An oyster a day keeps the urologist away.....
Oysters are high in zinc, a mineral which helps the prostate gland. Men with zinc deficiencies have a low sperm count.

Day 011 - Upper Body Caress
WU 5 min. Then 2 sets x 12 reps: SERIES 1: biceps concen. curls, push-ups, reclining abs; SERIES 2: chest fly machine (3 count hold,) dumbbell lateral raises (1 count hold,) seated abs; Stretch.

Day 012 - Sea of love
WU 5 min. Swim: 30 minutes or longer. Stroke of personal preference. CD 5 min & stretch.

Day 013 - Tip #4: Aromas as Aphrodisiacs
You might be surprised by what scents truly turn your lover on.

Day 014 - Salsa is sexy
Dance the night away.

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