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» 2-Month Introduction to Heart Rate Training
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Day 040 - Head for the hills

Hill repeats. Run for 1.5 to 2 min. and rest until hr drops to zone 2. Repeat as many times as you're able, but don't overdo.        Training via ActiveMail

One of the best workouts is to don your heart rate monitor and head for the hills. By training on hills, you increase your sport specific muscles to get them stronger doing the sport against resistance - gravity. Training with weights also gets you stronger but it builds general, all body strength as compared with building sport specific muscle strength.

Hill repeats are one of the best ways to use natural environment to get stronger. That is because it provides a time to rest completely as you descend. After your heart rate has dropped into Zone 2 you should feel sufficient recovery to do another hill repeat. Charge again with all of your heart at the same hill again saying all of the time, "I love to climb hills to get fitter". With time, I guarantee you'll love that hill but at the moment I also guarantee that you might not love it as much.

One of the best hill intervals is the 90-180 second hill. This is a short interval but allows near complete recovery. Don your monitor and just observe on this first ascent just how high your heart rate soars. If this is new to you, you might discover that your legs get tired before your cardiorespiratory system begins to fade which just means you need to add weekly hill training to your training plans. If you run out of breath or heartbeats before your legs get fatigued climbing the hills, it just means that you need to add more hill training, too.