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» Intermediate 8-Week Winter Sports Conditioning
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Day 051 - Endurance Strength Training/ Anaerobic Drills

WU 10 min. Squats, Push-Ups, Sumo Squats, Calf Raises. Agility Drills. Plyometrics. CD/Stretch        Training via ActiveMail

TODAY IS AN ENDURANCE-STRENGTH AND PLYOMETRIC DRILL DAY THAT WILL FOCUS ON YOUR LEGS, CHEST, AND BICEPS. Perform the following exercises in order and use lighter weights then you would normally use. Take a 30-second recovery break between sets.

WU 10 min.

Squats (2/25)
Push-Ups (closed grip, 2/15+)
Sumo Squats (2/25 each side)
Calf Raises (2/25)

Agility Drills
Agility drills and plyometric jumps are best performed on grass, dirt, or soft sand. Each drill is about 40 to 50 yards in distance. Start out slowly to prepare your muscles and joints for the increased intensity that comes with each drill. Pay close attention to form and think about using your muscles to complete the task, rather than your joints. Be sure to include both directions for lateral drills.

High Steppers 2x for WU
With very short strides, run with your knees as high and as close to your chest a possible.

Carioca or Grapevine 2x
Shuffle sideways, crisscross your right leg over your left, then shuffle your left leg to the side, then right leg crosses behind the left, and so on.

Backward Run 2x
Concentrate on keeping your hips as low as possible and rolling from toe to heel. Use your arms for power.

Shuffle Drill 2x
In a squat-like position, shuffle laterally with your shoulders square and hands in front of you. Focus on speed and repeat on other side.

Tuck Jumps (1/8)
From a tuck position, jump straight up as high as you can. Land softly on the balls of your feet and quickly repeat the jump.
