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Day 022 - Gettin' your Groove On

WU 5 MIN. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: reclining dumbbell biceps curls, dumbbell triceps extensions, reclining abs; SERIES 2: biceps concentration curls, triceps kickbacks, seated abs; SERIES 3: leg press machine, split squats, Swiss ball abs. Stretch upper/lower body.        Training via ActiveMail

BACK TO BICEPS, TRICEPS, & LEGS. 2 sets each exercise, 12 reps each unless stated otherwise. Remember, even a sex machine like Casanova clocked in hours at the gym (a little known fact- the man was a fitness monster.) SERIES 1: Let's start with reclining bicep curls, leaning back on a bench (on a 45 degree angle) and holding a dumbbell in each hand. Make sure that only your forearms move; raise and lower the weights hammer style, one arm at a time. Dropping the bench flat, lie back and use the same dumbbells for a set of triceps extensions: hammer style again, raising and lowering one arm at a time. Keep the elbows pointing up to the ceiling throughout. Then drop the weights, grab the bench behind your head, and perform a set of reclining abs, curling bent knees in to your chest. Repeat SERIES 1. For SERIES 2, stay seated at a bench and perform a set of biceps concentration curls using dumbbells. Lean forward, placing the elbow of one arm against your inner thigh as you raise and lower the weight (palm facing the ceiling.) Stop at the midpoint on the way up and down to add difficulty. Next, placing one knee on the bench, use a lighter set of dumbbells for a set of triceps kickbacks. Hold for 2 counts on the extension. Repeat SERIES 2. Finally, for SERIES 3, we'll perform a "super set;" 2 exercises in a row, working the same muscle group. Take your time and rest between the exercises. Start at the leg press machine, raising an lowering the platform one leg at a time. After a perfect set, perform 10 split squats on each side while holding dumbbells. Put one leg in front of the other :legs should be far enough apart that when you squat down, both knees bend to a 90 degree angle. Perform 10 squats leading with your right leg, then 10 leading with your left, holding in your stomach and keeping your chest open, shoulders back to help you maintain your balance. Keep your knees a little loose (never "lock them out") during each exercise. Repeat SERIES 3.