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» Sexercise Training for Men
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Day 015 - Super Love groove

WU 5 min. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: triceps cable pressdowns (3 count hold,) dips, Swiss ball abs; SERIES 2: Squats ( 3 count hold,) step-ups, seated abs; SERIES 3: pull-ups, seated cable rows (3 count raise/lower,) reclining abs; stretch.        Training via ActiveMail

DAY 1, WEEK 3: TODAY'S FOCUS IS ON TRICEPS, LEGS, AND BACK. 2 sets of each exercise, 12 reps each. We're halfway through: but never fear, there's lots more good lovin' coming your way. SERIES 1: after the warm up, start with a set of triceps pressdowns at the cables, holding for 3 counts at the bottom. Moving along, let's superset with a dips on the Gravitron (or, unassisted dips if you're feeling especially brawny.) Finish with a set of ab crunches on a Swiss ball, holding for 2 counts at the top (if these feel too easy, up the ante by holding a 5 or 10 lb plate behind your head like a pillow.) Repeat SERIES 1. SERIES 2: Time to tackle the squat rack again for a set. Execute 10-12 perfect squats, keeping the weight back over your heels, holding for 3 counts at the bottom before straightening your legs (never lock out your knees.) Next, grab a set of dumbbells, and perform a set of step-ups on a bench. Step up with your right foot, then your left, then lower your right foot to the floor (bend your knee as soon as your foot touches down,) then lower your left. Repeat 10 times starting with the right foot, then 10 with the left. Finish the series with seated ab crunches on a bench, and repeat all three exercises. Finally, SERIES 3. Start with a set of pull ups, either at the Gravitron or unassisted. Then head to the cables for a set of seated rows: slow 3 count pull in, 3 count lower, keeping your knees slightly bent. Lying back on the bench, execute a set of reclining abs, repeat the series, and stretch for 5 min.