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» Hi-Tec Adventure Race Series Program
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Day 037 - You've got homework

WU + Stretch. Run: 55 min. easy. Walking lunges, push-ups, side lunges, pull-ups        Training via ActiveMail

Your homework for the week is to go to the Hi-Tec site [LINK: http://www.mesp.com/ars.htm] and read all the information on the race. Take notes on all of the events to prepare. Figure out what gear you'll need, approximately how long you think it'll take your team to do each leg of the race and therefore how much food and water you will need, what clothing you will need depending on the events and weather predictions, etc. Sit down and come up with a gear list for each event within the race, and then a category for miscellaneous items. Be thorough and exhaust all possibilities in this list. Then send the list to your teammates, so that you can discuss what you have and what you'll need to purchase, and who will be in charge of what items. Divide tasks and come up with deadlines for these tasks.

You are now in the throes of the most challenging part of doing an adventure race; getting to the starting line in an efficient and organized fashion. It's sort of like running a small business. The most organized and communicative teams are usually the most efficient during the event itself.


RUN: 55 minutes, very easy, at PE 6

Walking lunges: 3 sets, 15 strides each

Push-ups: 3 sets (Do 3 less than the maximum you can do.)

Side lunges: 2 sets, 20 strides each

Pull-ups: 2 sets, as many as you can do

Walking lunges: Take long steps and lunge down to 90 degrees at the knee joint with each step. Keep you upper body tall and move your arms as you would in a normal running stride (opposite arm/leg extended).