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» Beginner Gym-based cardio and strength training
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Day 011 - Back to Business

WU 5 min. Then 2 sets x 12 reps: SERIES 1: biceps concen. curls, split squats, abs; SERIES 2: squats, military press, abs; Stretch.        Training via ActiveMail

GET EXCITED FOR BICEPS, SHOULDERS, AND LEGS. Warm up, then do 2 sets of each exercise, 12 reps unless otherwise indicated. SERIES 1: Biceps concentration curls. Sit on the edge of a bench with your right elbow on the inside of your knee. Slowly raise and lower the dumbbell, keeping your palm facing the ceiling, elbow perpendicular to your leg. Next, grab both dumbbells and put one leg in front of the other for split squats. Legs should be far enough apart that when you squat down, both knees bend to a 90-degree angle. Perform 10 squats leading with your right leg, then 10 leading with your left, holding in your stomach and keeping your chest open and shoulders back to help you maintain your balance. Lastly, abs: lying on the bench, holding the edge above your head, curl your bent knees to your chest and slowly lower them (lower back stays flat). Repeat SERIES 1. SERIES 2: It's time to tackle the squat rack. (Note: if the squat bar is too heavy, use a lighter straight bar instead.) Proper squatting technique guarantees the longevity of your kneecaps. Position the bar behind your head, below your neckbone. As you squat, keep your weight back over your heels (feel as if your toes are lifting off the floor, but don't let them). At the bottom, line up your shoulders and knees, and keep your back flat. Execute 12 perfect squats, holding for 2 counts before straightening up. Next, do a seated military press (shoulders). Sit on the edge of the bench, feet flat on the floor, with a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder height, elbows bent and by your side, then press the dumbbells up above your head so the weights almost touch. Finish the series with abs: you haven't seen these before. Lie on the floor, knees bent, feet flat. Cross your fingers lightly behind your head and bring your right elbow toward your left knee slowly, then return to your starting position. Repeat 10 times to each side. Repeat SERIES 2, and remember to stretch at the end.