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Day 015 - Ramping up the weights

Warm-up, weights, and stretch        Training via ActiveMail

WARM-UP, WEIGHTS, STRETCH. Warm up with light jogging and calisthenics until you've broken a sweat. If you're at the gym, substitute a 5-10 minute session on a stationary bike or a treadmill for jogging. Calisthenics such as jumping jacks, toe-touches, and arm swings will help you to warm up the whole body in preparation for a weight session. Remember that you should never begin a weight session "cold". Always warm up properly to prevent injury. When you're warm, do 3 sets of each of the following exercises: dips, rows with light dumbbells (5-25 pounds), crunches (1/2 sit-ups), back extensions and step ups. Again, we're using different exercises each week to condition the muscles in different ways. To be sure you're using correct form, consult a trainer certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Choose stretches different from the ones you used last week but that target the same body parts. For proper stretching technique, consult a certified athletic trainer or physical therapist or a good book like Bob Anderson's "Stretching." (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0936070013/o/qid=942955821/sr=2-1/102-3979027-6315236/ActiveRoute)