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Day 026 - Deja-vous all over again

WU 5 min. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: standing biceps curls, triceps lowers, reclining abs, push-ups; SERIES 2: concentration curls, triceps kickbacks, ab crunches, push-ups; SERIES 3: preacher curls, decline crunches, push-ups. Stretch 5 min.        Training via ActiveMail

Today's Workout:

I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A FAN OF SYMMETRY, SO LET'S END THE WAY THAT WE BEGAN (WITH MINOR VARIATIONS, OF COURSE). It's a trip down memory lane to our first workout together: biceps, triceps, and abs.


Biceps curls with a straight bar: stand tall with your knees slightly bent. Raise and lower a straight bar, keeping your elbows by your sides.

Then, lie flat on a bench and use the same bar for triceps lowers. For this exercise, your elbows are pointed straight up to the ceiling, your lower back is pressed flat on the bench. Lower the bar to a 90 degree angle, then straighten the arms.

After twelve reps, perform a set of reclining abs, making sure that your lower back never leaves the bench. Close out the series with a set of push-ups, and repeat each exercise.


Grab a dumbbell for concentration curls. Sit on the edge of a bench with your right elbow on the inside of your knee. Slowly raise and lower the dumbbell, keeping your palm facing the ceiling, elbow perpendicular to your leg.

Next, use the same dumbbell for a set of triceps kickbacks. Place your left knee on the bench and grasp the end of the bench with your left hand to steady yourself. Keeping your right elbow by your side (as if it were latched in place), straighten your right arm out, hold for a count, and lower to the starting position.

After a set of ab crunches on the floor or on a Swiss ball, execute a second set of push-ups. Rest for a minute, then repeat SERIES 2.


Hit the preacher bench for a set of straight bar preacher curls.

After twelve reps, hit the decline bench for a set of crunches

Then perform a final set of push-ups on the floor. Repeat SERIES 3

Congratulate yourself on a job well done!