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» 8-Week Outdoor Fitness Program
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Day 029 - Cross-Training Day

Cross-Training for 90-120 minutes + training tip.        Training via ActiveMail

TODAY IS A CROSS-TRAINING DAY: 90-120 MINUTES. It's similar to the previous "play days" you had only now, you're ready to add longer and perhaps more intense sessions to your routine.

Training tip: What is cross training? Cross training is simply the rotation of sports and fitness activities on different days. It helps to prevent injuries such a tendonitis by distributing the stress of exercise to different joints and muscle groups. Over time, our bodies acclimate to a specific activity and hit a plateau. When this happens, your body is in a sort of "cruise control" and you'll often feel mentally flat. To stay challenged both mentally and physically, choose a sport that you typically don't do during the week, or try something completely new. Here are a few ideas to get you started: Inline skating, mountain biking, tennis, rock climbing, kayaking, or even golf--anything that's enjoyable and stimulates your brain and your muscles into new patterns of thinking and moving. But the most important cross training tip I can offer is to HAVE FUN!