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Usually used to the advantage of the group in power. Any attitude, action, or practice — backed by institutional power — that subordinates people because of their sexual orientation. Heterosexual Privilege —Those benefits derived automatically by being heterosexual that are denied to homosexuals and bisexuals.

LGBT Resource Center

Also, the benefits homosexuals and bisexuals receive as a result of claiming heterosexual identity or denying homosexual or bisexual identity. Homophobia — The irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, homosexuality, or any behavior or belief that does not conform to rigid sex role stereotypes. It is this fear that enforces sexism as well as heterosexism. Identity Sphere — The idea that gender identities and expressions do not fit on a linear scale, but rather on a sphere that allows room for all expression without weighting any one expression as better than another.

In the Closet — Refers to a homosexual, bisexual, transperson or intersex person who will not or cannot disclose their sex, sexuality, sexual orientation or gender identity to their friends, family, co-workers, or society. Intergender — A person whose gender identity is between genders or a combination of genders.

Institutional Oppression — Arrangements of a society used to benefit one group at the expense of another through the use of language, media, education, religion, economics, etc. Internalized Oppression — The process by which a member of an oppressed group comes to accept and live out the inaccurate stereotypes applied to the oppressed group. Intersexed Person —Someone whose sex a doctor has a difficult time categorizing as either male or female. The term lesbian is derived from the name of the Greek island of Lesbos and as such is sometimes considered a Eurocentric category that does not necessarily represent the identities of African-Americans and other non-European ethnic groups.

Lesbian Baiting — The heterosexist notion that any woman who prefers the company of woman, or who does not have a male partner, is a lesbian. Lipstick Lesbian — Usually refers to a lesbian with a feminine gender expression. Can be used in a positive or a derogatory way, depending on who is using it. Is sometimes also used to refer to a lesbian who is seen as automatically passing for heterosexual. Male Lesbian — A male-bodied person who identifies as a lesbian.

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This differs from a heterosexual male in that a male lesbian is primarily attracted to other lesbian, bisexual or queer identified people. This term can be perceived as derogatory because it reinforces stereotypes that all gay men are fashion-conscious and materialistic. Oppression — The systematic subjugation of a group of people by another group with access to social power, the result of which benefits one group over the other and is maintained by social beliefs and practices.

Pangendered — A person whose gender identity is comprised of all or many gender expressions.

Trans Support Groups « FORGE

Pansexual — A person who is sexually attracted to all or many gender expressions. Prejudice — A conscious or unconscious negative belief about a whole group of people and its individual members. Queer — 1. An umbrella term which embraces a matrix of sexual preferences, orientations, and habits of the not-exclusively- heterosexual-and-monogamous majority. Queer includes lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transpeople, intersex persons, the radical sex communities, and many other sexually transgressive underworld explorers. A reclaimed word that was formerly used solely as a slur but that has been semantically overturned by members of the maligned group, who use it as a term of defiant pride.

Eventually, it came to be used as an umbrella term that included gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people. Similarly, other reclaimed words are usually offensive to the in-group when used by outsiders, so extreme caution must be taken concerning their use when one is not a member of the group.

Questioning — Someone who is questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. Sex — A medical term designating a certain combination of gonads, chromosomes, external gender organs, secondary sex characteristics and hormonal balances. Sex Identity — How a person identifies physically: female, male, in between, beyond, or neither. In most states, one or multiple surgeries are required to achieve legal recognition of gender variance. Stem — A person whose gender expression falls somewhere between a stud and a femme.

Stereotype — A preconceived or oversimplified generalization about an entire group of people without regard for their individual differences. Though often negative, can also be complimentary. Even positive stereotypes can have a negative impact, however, simply because they involve broad generalizations that ignore individual realities. Straight — Another term for heterosexual. Straight-Acting — A term usually applied to gay men who readily pass as heterosexual.

LGBTQ Glossary

The term implies that there is a certain way that gay men should act that is significantly different from heterosexual men. Straight-acting gay men are often looked down upon in the LGBTQ community for seemingly accessing heterosexual privilege. Top — A person who is said to take a more dominant role during sexual interactions. A top position does not imply more power.

Trans — An abbreviation that is sometimes used to refer to a gender variant person. This term is sometimes used to refer to the gender variant community as a whole.

Transactivism — The political and social movement to create equality for gender variant persons. Transgender — A person who lives as a member of a gender other than that expected based on anatomical sex. Sexual orientation varies and is not dependent on gender identity. One day, a mother started crying when she told me her son was gay. I was able to comfort her as the mother of a gay son.

Bylone has experienced situations where patients have discriminated against gay nurses. Unfortunately, the nurse was standing outside the door and heard her cruel complaint. Bylone adds that managers sometimes treat out nurses differently. Newberry maintains that health care personnel have been universally professional and even kind to her during this process, though she had trouble with her insurance company.

Binary options are also being challenged by popular culture. There are bound to be many uncertainties and uncomfortable moments for Trans patients and their nurses as we travel this unmarked path. Both are a part of every health care professional—you can emphasize one or the other, depending on the situation.

Provider Resources

One of the aims of GLMA is to improve education and awareness of gay and transgender issues among health care personnel. At Group Health, Bailey has been an advocate for equal treatment of LGBT staff and patients for many years, facilitating changes in policy, employee benefits, patient and family visitation, consumer rights, and community outreach. Jebra Turner is a freelance health and business writer based in Portland, Oregon. She frequently contributes to the Minority Nurse magazine and website.

Visit her online at www. Author Recent Posts. Jebra Turner.

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Jebra Turner is a freelance health writer in Portland, Oregon. Latest posts by Jebra Turner see all. Sign up now to get your free digital subscription to Minority Nurse. Get the Latest Issue.
