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Day 001 - Welcome to winter fitness!

Warm-up, weights, and stretch        Training via ActiveMail

WARM-UP, WEIGHTS, STRETCH. Warm up with light jogging and calisthenics (jumping jacks, toe touches, arm swings, running in place with high knees, neck circles to name a few). The idea when warming up is to break a light sweat, and generally 5 to 10 minutes of moderate activity will accomplish this.You can substitute a 5-10 minute session on a treadmill or stationary bike for a jog. When you're warm, do one set of each of the following exercises: pushups, pullups, crunches (1/2 sit-ups), back extensions, bodyweight squats. Perform each upper body exercise until you could only do one more rep in good form. However, limit the number of reps in the back extension and squats to avoid soreness. To be sure you're using correct form, consult a trainer certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. A good time to stretch: in the evening in front of the TV. Choose stretches that target the quads, hamstrings, low back and shoulders. For proper stretching technique, consult a certified athletic trainer or physical therapist or a good book like Bob Anderson's "Stretching." (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0936070013/o/qid=942955821/sr=2-1/102-3979027-6315236/ActiveRoute)