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» Intermediate Danskin Triathlon Series Program
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Day 002 - Core strength

Day 2: Yoga, core strength, weights        Training via ActiveMail

Day 2: Yoga, core strength, weights: If you're new to weight lifting, work with a personal trainer or your gym staff to help you learn the exercises and make sure your technique is correct. If you're already comfortable in the gym, do leg curls, squats with the Swiss ball, leg extensions, biceps, triceps, lat pulldowns, and overhead shoulder presses. Go for 2 sets of 15 to 20 reps, using LIGHT weights. The first four weeks of this program will focus on building your aerobic base (that is, your foundation of cardiovascular fitness), flexibility, and core strength. Your core muscles are your lower abdominals (transverse abdominals), obliques, and lower back. These muscles are responsible for all pelvic movement and keeping them strong are key to avoiding lower back pain and injury. To work your transverse abdominal muscles, first you need to be able to do a pelvic tilt on your back without your spine coming up off the ground. Try it: Lying on your back, initiate a pelvic tilt but DO NOT push through your heels or your shoulders. Flatten your spine to the ground by imagining someone pushing in through your belly button. Don' t hold your breath! Using your lower abs, you should be able to rotate your hips downwards into a pelvic tilt. Practice this a few times. Next, holding that same pelvic tilt, lift one knee towards your chest, keeping your spine pressed to the ground. Gently lower your foot to the ground. Alternate knees but all the while you are keeping that pelvic tilt and keeping your spine to the ground. As soon as your spine comes up, STOP, or else you will start using your hip flexor muscles.
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