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» Training Program » General Fitness » Sexercise Training for Women
 Sexercise Training for Women

Day 015 - Super Love groove
WU 5 min. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: triceps cable pressdowns (3 count hold,) dips, Swiss ball abs; SERIES 2: Squats ( 3 count hold,) step-ups, seated abs; SERIES 3: pull-ups, seated cable rows (3 count raise/lower,) reclining abs; stretch.

Day 016 - You spin me right round, baby....
Spin class or WU 5 min: Bike 5 min climb, 5 min sprint; 10 min climb, 5 min sprint; 10 min alternating climbs/sprints (1 min each.) CD & stretch.

Day 017 - Stretch the limits of your imagination
Yoga/ Stretch class

Day 018 - Love Train
WU 5 min. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: preacher dumbbell curls (pause at midpoint,) straight bar biceps curls (3 count raise/lower,) push-ups, Swiss ball obliques crunches; SERIES 2: cable crossovers, bench dumbbell press (3 count raise/lower,) push-ups; SERIES 3: straight bar upright rows (2 count hold,) dumbbell lateral raises (pause at midpoint,) setaed abs, push-ups; stretch.

Day 019 - Visualization exercises
WU 5 min. Jumprope: 10 min. Ellip. Trainer: 15 min. Treadmill: 20 min. CD 5 min. & stretch

Day 020 - Tip # 5: Scientists agree: Losing weight = more sex.
A recent study showed that the more weight test subjects lost, the more sex they were likely to have as a result.

Day 021 - Tip #6: Mental exercise is also necessary to help you feel sexy.
Exercise the mind to induce a state of euphoria.

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