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» Training Program » General Fitness » 4 Weeks to a Beach-Worthy Body (for Men)
 4 Weeks to a Beach-Worthy Body (for Men)

Day 015 - Halfway home
Warm up 5 minutes. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: standing biceps hammer curls, triceps kickbacks, reclining abs. SERIES 2: biceps cable curls, triceps cable pressdowns, ab crunches. SERIES 3: triceps dips, declining abs. Stretch 5 minutes.

Day 016 - The Zen of lifting
Aim for a balance of strength between opposing muscle groups.

Day 017 - Pec-a-rama
Warm up 5 minutes. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: decline dumbbell flys, decline bar bench press, ab crunches. SERIES 2: fly machine, incline bench press, obliques ab crunches. SERIES 3: push-ups, lower back extensions. Stretch 5 minutes.

Day 018 - Protein-a-plenty
Get at least 3 servings of protein per day to help your body rebuild muscle tissue.

Day 019 - Three-in-one
Warm up 5 minutes. 2 sets x 12 reps each. SERIES 1: Preacher curls, flat bench press, ab crunches. SERIES 2: triceps extensions, reclining abs, incline dumbbell flys. SERIES 3: concentration curls, push-ups, Roman chair ab crunches. Stretch 5 minutes.

Day 020 - Steady as she goes
Always lift with control in a smooth, fluid motion, never using momentum.

Day 021 - No gain with pain
While there is some discomfort associated with strength training, you should never try to "work through" a sharp pain.

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