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» Injury Prevention

Before You See the Doctor - Ice

Good medical help is the first step in treating an injury. There is a running underground which can recommend local doctors who treat runners. Talk with some long-term runners. Every injury requires special treatment and you want to find the specialist who has successfully treated the greatest number of similar problems. Until you see a doctor you might want to ice the injured area. Ice helps reduce inflammation and stimulates circulation: when blood returns to an "iced" area, it returns in abundance. Use an ice bag, a bag of frozen peas (which can conform to uneven surfaces) or a commercial preparation. A frozen ice Popsicle works best. Keep a few Styrofoam cups of ice in your freezer; peel off the top of the foam and apply to the injury. This way your fingers don't freeze. Get the area very cold for 10 minutes, let it warm up for 20 minute, then ice it again.